Hi! I am a multidisciplinary professional passionate about design, technology, and innovative ways of teaching STEM.
In May 2022, I graduated with an MFA in Industrial Design from Parsons School of Design in New York City. I also hold bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science. I am adept at navigating technically complex problems and always prioritizing the end user. I have collaborated with developers, designers, and product teams throughout my career, bringing in my ability to translate user insights to technical people.
Because of my extensive experience in digital marketing, I've developed a knack for identifying customer needs and market opportunities. My business experience has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to succeed in business and the skills to make it happen.
I love engaging directly with the people I design for early on and involving them in the design process. Putting myself in their shoes helps me better understand their challenges, needs, and motivations. Through this process, I get ideas and insights that provide the basis for prototyping and experimentation.

Using digital fabrication tools allows me to test my ideas quickly. I iterate and improve my prototypes by incorporating user feedback and insights from observation and interviews. I methodically evaluate possibilities to gain confidence in my designs while considering the bigger picture and factors that can influence product success.
Following my dreams and starting over in another country was one of the most significant risks I've ever taken. It required me to step out of my comfort zone, embrace change, and think outside the box. My life experiences have helped me develop a mindset of innovation and creativity while giving me the courage to take thoughtful risks. Whether exploring cutting-edge technologies, experimenting with different design approaches, or seeking partnerships and collaborations, I always look for ways to challenge myself, push the boundaries of what is possible, and create value for my partners, clients, and customers.
I came to New York in 2016 for a CEO position at a digital marketing company that focused on startups. To develop the new business, I immersed myself in the New York tech scene and the makers' community. One of the startups that I worked with was a team that created MonBaby, a wearable baby monitor. When I started working with them as a marketing consultant, MonBaby was just a 3D-printed prototype. Over the next year or two, MonBaby hit the market through various sales channels including Amazon, Target, and Best Buy.
The experience of working side-by-side with the MonBaby team taught me a lot about product design, manufacturing, packaging, consumer electronics product development, e-commerce fulfillment, and customer service. I learned how to get a product from prototype to mass production to retail sales and international distribution, and I loved every part of the process. This experience eventually led me to switch my career path to industrial design.
I enjoy juggling and connecting seemingly disparate ideas. One innovative product that inspires my design practice is the glue stick, which was invented by combining lipstick technology and soap. Glue stick design is also a powerful demonstration of how questioning traditional connotations surrounding products – in this case lipstick technology representing femininity – can lead to innovation.
My favorite project: thesis
My approach to innovation, fascination with geometry and origami engineering, and personal experience being a young woman in STEM led me to create KOZO. It is a STEM construction toy that pairs creativity with math and provides a unique and satisfying experience of building and playing. Building with KOZO improves mental visualization skills and hand dexterity while being tactile, addictive, and meditative similar to crochet. KOZO aims to foster computational thinking in children by walking them through the steps of decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm design over and over again while they create desired 3D models.

With my thesis project, I earned Parsons' Award for Representation and Physical Prototyping for demonstrating excellence in materiality, the iterative design process, and making. I was also selected as one of 16 semi-finalists from among 1,726 entries from 57 countries/regions during the selective process for the Lexus Design Award 2022.
I plan to work at the intersection of design, technology, innovation, and STEM education. As a self-motivated team player, I use my inner drive and curiosity to help companies succeed in their most ambitious goals. I would thrive in a startup-like environment where I would build strong relationships, freely exchange thoughts and ideas, and learn from extraordinary minds.
Get in touch!
If my story speaks to you and you would like to connect to learn more about me, please reach out!